Arizona Peace Center

The Arizona Peace Center was established to spread the messages of Our Lady in Medjugorje to the people in the state of Arizona. The center, a non-profit organization, is not affiliated with any one parish, but exists for all people in all parishes. The Board of Directors consists of men and women from all parts of the Valley with a network of associates and volunteers who have assisted us in many ways.
We have held over twenty Marian conferences, numerous prayer retreats and days of prayer, and sponsor an evening to honor Our Lady every June 25th. We will also give presentations to any group upon request. The center spreads the messages of Our Lady through a phone line (602-225-1970) on which the message of the 25th of each month is recorded, and now we are happy to bring you this website to keep you informed.
In September of 1992, Project Love was initiated to aid the war victims of Croatia and Bosnia-Hecegovina. Because of generous, caring benefactors – and the Lord’s help – we have been very successful in this endeavor.
The alleged apparitions of Our Lady of Medjugorje are presently subject to Church inquiry as to their authenticity. This is the case of any supernatural phenomenon. In the meantime, the messages which have come from Medjugorje are consistent with the Gospel and the Church’s call for prayer fasting and peace. The Mir Center will humbly submit to the final authority of the Catholic Church.